Sleeping and Pregnancy

Sleeping comfortably while pregnant can be very difficult and will only become more difficult as your pregnancy progresses. Here are some sleep tips to help you out.

Pregnant women are commonly advised against sleeping on their backs once they reach the 2-3 month period. This is because the weight of the baby and uterus can compress the large vein that takes blood from your lower body to the heart and can cause palpitations. The discomfort is however strong enough that most people would quickly change positions and wouldn't actually cause any harm to their baby. IF however you do ignore the signals, you could black out and lose consciousness.

The most recommended sleeping position for pregnant woman is sleeping on the left side, as the liver is a large organ, and occupies the right upper side of the stomach. Some women find it helpful to place a pillow under their abdomen or between their legs. You'll find that there are many "pregnancy pillows" on the market but talk with your doctor first about which one might work for you.

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