Birth Weight

Babies change so fast. In a baby’s first year of life, it will triple its birth weight. So exactly how important is birth weight?

Most full-term newborns will weigh between 6 and 9 lbs and be anywhere from 19 to 21 inches long.

A baby who is growing well is considered to be generally healthy.

Babies born weighing less than 3 lbs are considered very low birth weight. These usually include premature babies and multiple births.

Other factors that may cause low birth weight are:

-teen pregnancies.
-If the mother is in poor health.
-Also race plays a factor in determining birth weight. In the United States, African-American women are twice as likely as Caucasian women to give birth to a tiny baby.

Monitoring the weight of your baby is important to ensure that they’re healthy and growing normally. Remember not to worry if you have a low weight baby because many low and high birth weight babies grow up to be perfectly healthy, normal sized adults.

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